Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Twas the night before #3

It's here. The night before #3 arrives. We are scheduled for c section at 8:25 in the morning. So many emotions running through my head. I'm scared, anxious, excited...I'm about to explode. 
I can't wait to hold this new guy, smell his newborn skin, touch his soft hair, and count his little toes. But I can't help but think about my older two. I've tried so hard to tell them how much I love them, as I know a newborn takes so much time away from the older ones. People are so kind to offer help, but I want to be with them every second that I can. We ate supper together tonight at Fuji....,just me and Weston and walker. Things will definitely be different but for the better. The love that 1 and 2 have for one another is awesome to watch. I can't wait to see that multiply. My life with all of these boys is so fun. 
Bittersweet is the movement I feel in my belly right now. He's kicking and moving so hard that it takes my breath. I can stand up straight because of the weight of his little body through my midsection right now. He's laying different tonight. I know that these will be the last fetal movements that I will ever feel. This is the last time I will wonder about delivery. This is the last baby for our family and that is hard, but I know that he will complete our home. We already love you so much #3

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